This time its Gil Kane who provides the Legion/Challengers cover for this issue of Adventure. The Legion half is ok but I really dig the Challs motif!
The Challs lead off the book in "Tomorrow's Answers!" by Bob Rozakis, Alex Toth, and Frank Giacoia. While Toth inking Toth is best I think, Giacoia does a nice job on these stories.
The other stories are:
• Supergirl in "Supergirl's Greatest Challenge!" by Jerry Siegel and Jim Mooney
• Aquaman in "Underworld Reward Part 2" by Steve Skeates, Jim Aparo, and Dick Giordano
• Captain Marvel Jr. in "The Mystery of the Missing Newsstand" by Elliot S! Maggin and Dave Cockrum
• Supergirl again in "Superman's Super-Courtship" by Siegel and Mooney. This is the story that famously features this uber-creepy panel:
Not an imaginary tale!
• Somehow the book finds a way to kep going with The Sandman in "Dreams of Doom" by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby
• We wrap up with The Spectre in "Hang 'Em Up, Wildcat--You're Finished!" by Gardner Fox and Neal Adams, which of course guest-stars Wildcat.
It's a testimony to just how good Neal Adams was that he could make such a hero with such a goofy uniform as Wildcat look totally badass, which he does here. After reading one Adams-drawn Wildcat story and you're ready for a Wildcat solo title! Though, of course, teaming up The Spectre with Wildcat is like teaming up a nuclear bomb with a sling-shot, but what the hey, things have always been a bit nicer on Earth-2.